We Transform Vulnerable Lives To Dignity

Oyet & Oyets Foundation

We Identify best-in-class organizations through the application process
We Support and grow uniquely impactful programs to create long-term benefits for low-income populations

Oyet & Oyets Foundation

We Identify best-in-class organizations through the application process
We Support and grow uniquely impactful programs to create long-term benefits for low-income populations

Oyet & Oyets Foundation

The Oyet & Oyets Foundation is Charity-Based - Humanitarian and Development Foundation serving by giving of Grants and Scholarships primarily in the areas of Evangelism, Christian Leadership Development, Poverty Eradication, Culture, Education, Health, Sports, Youth, Women, Social Services, Peace Building and ending inequality.

Seven Ways To End Poverty In Africa

Oyet & Oyets Foundation believe that we can eradicate poverty if we work together. Through collaboration among countries the world over, we can end the cycle of poverty and begin and enter into safety and adequate possessions enough for every household.

Here are Seven Things The Foundation believes are critical in the fight to end poverty in Africa around the world. Seven tools to end poverty

Ways to end Poverty

Oyet & Oyets Foundation’s Goals

The Foundations seek to achieve their mission by funding approaches in the area of: Evangelism, Christian Leadership Development, Poverty Eradication, Culture, Education, Health, Sports, Youth, Women, Social Services, Peace Building and ending inequality.

The Mission Approach

We Identify best-in-class organizations through the application process.